What is tone?
Almost every color we see in our day-to-day world has been toned either a little or a lot. This makes for more appealing color combinations.
A Tone is created by adding both White and Black which is grey. Any color that is "greyed down" is considered a Tone.
Tones are somehow more pleasing to the eye. They are more complex, subtle and sophisticated. Tone is also known as Values / “Chiaroscuro” (Italian word for Light & Dark), when tone is applied on a 2D image it gives them volume (3D).
Artists usually mix a little grey in every paint mixture to adjust the value and intensity of their pigment. Tones are the best choice for most interior decorating because they're more interesting. They work well in any Color Scheme you might plan
Chiaro (Light) Scuro (Dark)
This representation shows the elements that make Chiaroscuro Light, Shadow, Cast shadow reflected light and high-light.