DC “door city footwear” is the highest class footwear, specializing in skateboarding shoes, snowboarding boots, Active Terrain footwear, women’s and children’s casual footwear, along with matching clothing.
This American company that has been into existence since 1993 with the efforts of Ken Block a snowboarder, racer, and is based in vista California since then DC no longer sales at door and no longer has ties to doors it’s simply DC shoes and the logo has been remade by Milton Glaser which is very simple, famous and chic.
DC shoes has experienced a massive expansion in the mid 1990’s and remain one of the skate boarding top brand just after Milton Glaser made the change in the logo. DC successfully gain nationwide, mall-based distribution while keeping hard-core skateboarders loyal by offering exclusive designs through skate shops only.
The two letters “D” and “C” are interlocked in the DC logo. “C” in the logo encloses a star that it is due to the significance which refers to the celebrity status the most famous wearers of DC brand.
The color of the logo is typical black that looks very chic and simple on several of its accessories or products. The font style is in bold is again not really complex but does justice to the logo as a whole.